GATE Project Guidelines
Through the analysis of existing best practices in the world and the comparison with potential users, guidelines have been identified, a living document that had grown with the project. This document is available to all operators in the sector, tourism agencies, trade associations and to all bodies and people who want to put themselves at stake for an increasingly inclusive future and a tourism in the natural environment within everyone’s reach!
Download the GATE Project guidelines!
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Multisensory signs for accessibility and safety in tourism and leisure time offers – Short version
This document provides an overview of the signs and symbols using which accessibility and multisensory signage for accessible tourism, subjected to examination in the various GATE-linked studies, have been encoded. Multisensory signage refers to the whole sector of communication of information regarding tourism and leisure time, thereby increasing the safety of people with disabilities.
This report provides an overview of symbols that can be used to indicate barrier-free leisure and tourism offers for people with different impairments. In addition, the reports gives an introduction to multisensoric signage. This concerns installations such as panels that enable orientation and information via different senses, e.g. visual as well as tactile. Regarding such installations the report addresses the needs of people with different impairments for orientation and information, and the requirements for the multisensoric signage concerning placement, analog panels, multimedia screens and guides.
This study provides a collection of examples of multisensoric signage for barrier-free leisure and tourism offers. Such signage enables orientation and information via different senses, e.g. visual as well as tactile. Other examples are guides or information stations that offer audiovisual information where also a version only to view (texts and images) or listen to (audio guide) can be selected. The study presents 20 examples of multisensoric signage.
Report on the it applications of the pilot sites. Monitoring and lessons learned
The GATE project focuses on the use of information technologies that allow providing information about the accessibility of sites such as nature parks and hiking trails as well as engaging experiences when visiting the sites. As an important part of the project, partners developed IT applications to demonstrate these capabilities for four pilot sites. This report presents results of the monitoring of the development of the IT applications and lessons learned in their realisation.
Report on the accessibility tools with showcase implementations
In the GATE project IT tools for accessible online information on natural, cultural and other sites as well as showcases for the tools have been created. The development was not aimed to create new tourism portals, but to provide existing websites with tools for information management and access. The set of IT tools includes: a tool for points of interest (plugin module for the Web-CMS WordPress); a Webapp for multimedia contents (CMS and templates); a Chatbot (module for the Facebook messenger service); and a solution for showing on an existing parking space finder the occupancy status (“free/occupied”) of reserved parking spaces for people with disabilities. This report describes the created tools and showcases.
GATE Handbook for Inclusive Tourism
The GATE Handbook for Inclusive Tourism presents results of the different work areas of the project: Results of studies on the status of research and practice in inclusive tourism
● Facts & figures for competitive advantages of inclusive tourism for destinations
● Insights into the importance of barrier-free experiences of nature for people with disabilities
● Lessons learned by the GATE pilot regions in the realisation of their IT applications for barrier-free access to natural sites
● GATE IT tools for barrier-free multimedia Web contents and showcase implementations
● Principles and examples of symbols and multisensory signs for accessible tourism and leisure time offers
● A selection of practical guides for barrier-free hiking trails, nature parks and other touristic areas.
Download here the document “GATE Handbook for Inclusive Tourism”.
Portale für barrierefreie touristische Angebote
This study examines the description and assessment of nature experiences and hiking trails on portals for accessible touristic offers. Portals of national organisations and of communities of disabled people are dealt with.
operating manual for the implementation of the webapp for multimedia contents (audioguide) and chatbot messenger developed by gate
This document describes requirements and activities necessary to implement the Webapp for multimedia content (Audioguide) and the Chatbot Messenger developed by the GATE Project.
All indications reported refer to the example implemented as a showcase for the online tools developed in the context of the GEOPARC Bletterbach, Pilot Site in the Province of Bolzano – South Tyrol, but they can be replicated and reused by all interested entities in the cooperation area.
The new digital application for multimedia content (Audioguide) is a webapp, usable with any mobile device, and allows an inclusive nature experience for all.
Moreover, the new Chatbot system uses the Facebook Messenger service and allows to dialogue with an automatic system to receive useful information about the services of a structure.