“Sentiero della Sensibilità” (Trail of Perceptions) – Work in Progress
“Sentiero della Sensibilità” (Trail of Perceptions) – Work in Progress
COVID-19 did not prevent CAI Alpago from moving forward with the realisation of its “Sentiero della Sensibilità” which, starting next autumn, will give a particularly valuable sporting-social contribution to this piedmont trail at 1000 m MSL. Lots of evaluations and surveys and several meetings to create a trail for all those who by age, physical condition or disability are not able to climb at high altitudes.
From the Carota di Pieve mountain hut to S. Anna di Tambre, the “Sentiero della Sensibilità” winds along the Alpago mountain range at an altitude between 1000 and 1300 m MSL, on a road that is only partially paved and almost totally closed to the traffic. Ideal for disabled people in wheelchairs, visually impaired users, elderly people, families with small children and all those who want to spend a few hours walking without excessive physical effort and grasping that valuable information of cultural enrichment available along the 24 km, thanks to an innovative computer system.
“Together with the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation, the independent cooperative L., the Municipality of Santorso, the University of Innsbruck and the Salzburg Research, CAI Alpago is a partner of the GATE (Granting Accessible Tourism for Everyone) INTERREG Project, funded under the programme of cross-border cooperation Interreg V-A Italy-Austria 2014-2020”, ”, explains Luca Dal Paos, CAI Alpago President. “It is a project that, using new technologies, aims to enhance inclusive tourism in the World Heritage, alpine and pre-Alpine areas”.
To achieve this goal, the section was awarded funding of € 70,000 from the European Union, “which must be used only to set up and advertise the initiative”, explains the President. With tenders awarded and texts drawn up, it is now time to install the notice boards in Italian, English, German and LIS (Italian sign language), as well as to arrange 12 advertising columns along the way, and on which a cloud will allow visitors to listen to information in Italian, German and English through a Web app. The first 6 km, from the Carota mountain hut to the hamlet of S. Martino, and from Malga Cate to Pianon, are totally accessible.
“This is an opportunity that Gabriela De Bortoli, CAI’s former President, was able to seize two years ago by accepting the invitation of the regional CAI to be a project partner”, said President Dal Paos. And she did so with the awareness that she could offer an ideal set-up in the Alpago district for this purpose: an existing trail covered by a dirt road for 90% of its length, almost entirely closed to traffic with minimal slope variance, surrounded by nature, with the lake of S. Croce and the Cansiglio plateau always within sight and full of historical vestiges. Just think of the pre-Roman site of Pian de la Gnela, in the Pieve area, many old and new mountain agricultural activities, rural and restored architecture, the landslides of Chies, the re-use of ancient rural structures and villages for tourism purposes, and the artistic craftsmanship in S. Anna with its Casa del libro (House of Books). “The meeting with the three mayors of the Alpago area held last week” the President concluded confidently, “bodes well for an indispensable partnership to enhance such an important trail that lends itself exceptionally to use for a variety of engaging initiatives”.